Rick Guest

En la recerca de l’originalitat i l’atenció del públic la fotografia “comercial” evoluciona constantment. Els fotògrafs publicitàris i de moda empenyen els límits de la fotografia una mica més enllà cada vegada fent evolucionar l’imatgeria i els codis visuals.

El que m’agrada particularment de Rick Guest és que a més de treballar visualment molt bé les imatges, busca desacomplexadament noves fórmules i camins diferents per, sense abandonar el seu estil, diferenciar-se i evolucionar.

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Steidl l’editor

Que  l’editorial Steidl et publiqui un llibre és un somni. En aquesta entrevista  que l’amic Colberg li va fer al gran editor alemany Gerhard Steidl s’entén  perquè.

J Colberg: Herr Steidl, which one is your best book so far?

Gerhard Steidl: The best and most exciting book is always the one I am going to work on tomorrow, because the experience of all the earlier projects will go into it. The next best book is then the one from the day after that etc. I don’t use what I did today or yesterday as a benchmark for the future.

What is the secret of your success?

If you want to talk about success, I am sure it’s based on the fact that I have always been involved with photo or printed paper. When I was fifteen I started to produce printed materials, and I’m still doing it. Of course, as time passed the technical conditions have changed, but it is still all about paper. Unlike many other people I didn’t start my own fish shop or restaurant. Many publishing houses go bankrupt after a few years, or they get bought out by larger media conglomerates. I simply kept going, determined and knowing what I wanted. That’s why it works relatively well.

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